Saturday 22 February 2014

Awful reaction to Zantac

Medicines and drugs are in our daily life and most of us use them without thinking of how many consequences can they have. 

Leanne Howes, a 17 year old girl took 150 mg dose of Zantac Ranitidine to treat her IBS (Irritable bowel syndrom, a sympthom based diagnosis characterized by chronic abdomina kpain, discomfort, bloating and aternation of bowel habits) and suffered an allergic reaction. This left her skin falling off in chunks; it burnt up, scabbed over and finally fell off.

Lianne had her first symptom when she fell ill. She was at work and didn't feel well so she bought some tablets, which didn't do anything wrong during that day until the next morning. Then she was rushed to the hospital and there she fought hard for her life. Doctors said that it was a miracle and she got treated in the same way as burns victims.
She spent four weeks on a morphine drip in hospital and couldn't walk or talk properly. Her hair, nails, eyelashes fell out and she lost a lot of weight. 

While she was recovering she had her mother and boyfriend by her side and he would always tell her she was beautiful even though she had lost hair, nails and everything. 

Not everyone who suffers this survive and that is way Leanne feels so lucky to be alive. But now she is very scared of taking more medicines.

Here you can see from the photos the effects of her awful reaction: 

Leanne before the reaction

Leanne recovering

Leanne totally recovered

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