Thursday 28 November 2013

Easy drugs and alcohol

For many years in our culture, teenagers have started to drink alcohol and smoke very early, but lately it seems like it's even earlier.

Bascially in all the continents, you can see how 13 year-old pre-teenagers start to drink alcohol and get drunk, which is not a very healthy choice because they haven't grown up yet. This can create problems that are difficult to solve.

It gets very easy for teens to take drugs and in some places they can buy cigarettes and alcohol by themselves. They probably think they are old and mature enoough to do these things but they are not at all. If it's prohibired it's because it's dangeruos and can harm your body and organs, not to make you angry.

For example here, when it's carnival and everyone goes out, I cann see people very drunk around me, and they are not 20  (which is young too), they are 12 or 13! And every year there are boys and girls in the ambulances because they've had a bad reaction to alcohol or drugs, and that is very dangerous. I know many people that have a bad reaction and they were in a very dangerous state.

I think our society is used to do things earlier each time because us, the humans, want to try and do new things but some of the things are very dangerous !!!! If we do the things we're supposed to do when we are older, then when we are older what are we going to do?

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