Friday 22 November 2013

102 days after the birth

This news article explains about two monthers that got given the wrong baby and that two months after the birth, they knew officially there had been a mistake.

Both women are called Lyudmila Alexandrovna and were given Caesarean operations with just one minute of difference. 
From the first minute, they realized there was something wrong and one of the women said her marriage was almost wrecked because the DNA didn't belong to her husband.

Both DNA's proved that there was an error but the hospital insisted until the last minute there wasn't. Just last week they accepted there was a mistake.
It was obvious for them because they exchanged photos of the daughters and one of the women noticed the other baby was more or less exactly as her older daughter. And the same happened with the other one, who saw the other baby was similar to her son.

When the hospital accepted the mistake, they decided to change the babies and keep the one they gave birth to, but they also decided to stay in contact and according to them, they have became great friends even though they live away from each other.

Now, they are staying together in the same hospital suite, helpling each other get to know their real babies and they are receiving hellp from a psychologist and so are the babies, to check everything is fine with them.

This is not the first time this happens. Once two mothers discovered their 12 years old daughters weren't theirs. But the girls didn't exchange family because one is Muslim and the other Christian. 

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