Tuesday 5 November 2013

Breakfast: yes or not?

Some recent reports linked skipping breakfast to obesity, diabetes and others things like catching flu. In addition, men who don't have breakfast are more likely to suffer heart attacks or heart disease. 

According to an expert, Dr Neil Standley, when we wake up our body gets ready for daytime so the hormones release and that makes us feel hungry. But this is more common to people who normally go to sleep at the same time and more or less soon, because to people that stay up late and then have problems to wake up, don't feel hungry until some hours later, so it's recommended to go to sleep every night at the same time.

Breakfast is one of three important daily meals and that's why, if you'd skip it, then you would be hungry at mid-morning and then you would get a snack. As you would have eaten not many hours ago, you wouldn't be hungry for lunch, so you wouldn't have a proper meal and you would be hungry by mid-afternoon. Then you would have another snack and this would be always the same, because not eating the enough energy and food makes us need it and feel uncomfortable, and this has its consequences because when you get snack, most of the times isn't a healthy one. 
In one study they noticed when someone didn't have breakfast, they ate 20 per cent more at lunch because they were hungry and were more likely to seek unhealthier and high-calorie foods. This is because humans, after a priod of fasting, are primed to seek sugary and fatty foods.

Some examples of breakfast that are shown in the text and that have less than 300 calories (enough number of calories to stop you overeating later) are: 
-bowl of porridge with honey
-bowl of Special K cereal with milk 
-boiled egg with a slice of wholemeal toast

I really recommend you to read this report because it's very interesting and helful. I found it simple, but effective.

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