Saturday 5 October 2013

Am I beautiful now?

This song by Outcast Youth and Amy Lee talks about the story of a girl with an eating disorder because she wants to be beautiful. 

The song is sang by a boy that explains what a friend told him; she told him she needed help because she started cutting herself. She does not like what she sees in the mirror and tries to not to eat, but even she starves she is hungry and feels horrible. She explains him there's a boy she likes but he doesn't pay attention on her because he probably thinks she is fat and ugly. 
Then the history keeps going and the girl is some years older and she is thinner. She thinks there are some chances that boy asks her to go out, but she is still ashamed of herself. While all these years she explains she lost friends and things changed but she still does the same... because she can't stop.
Years later the girl has a boyfriend that loves her. She is stopping cutting.

I think this song is indirectly a protest to society's idea's of beautiful. It explains a story lived by thousands and thousands of girls around the world every day because they just want to be beautiful. They want to be loved, accepted and enough. They want to be perfect.

"I bleed" specifies what is currently known as beautiful, saying Katy Perry, Rihanna, Hale Berry and Beyonce probably never felt this fat and ugly like the girl does. All those women have approximately the same size and that is what society wants. If you are like them then you are beautiful.

But aside of this, I think it is also a protest to eating disorders like anorexia or bulimia. The girl starves and purges so she can be beautiful. 
Also it says if she is thin she will be loved by the boy she likes because while she is "fat" she can't be loved by him. 

I'm really connected with this song. I really like it. I'm sick of this society. Not thin? Then not beautiful. Easy. But eh! Society will call you fat, but when you starve they will say you are crazy and an attention seeker. And when you are anorexic they will feel sorry for you and will ask why is people so mean or they will just critiquize you more and say awful things. And when you are dead because you killed yourself or because anorexia killed you then you will have been always loved, you will have been always beautiful, you will be the poor girl that commited suicide and you will be "always missed".  

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