Friday, 9 May 2014

Should teachers wear an uniform or have a dress code?

In the country I'm currently living, in public school it's not necessary to wear an unifrom and to be honest I don't know if that's okay or not, but that's another topic.

In schools like mine, students don't wear uniform and teachers don't either, which is pretty obvious; if they did and we didn't it would be a bit weird... If we don't wear them, then I don't ask them to neither; in case I did and they didn't I would be mad!

I personally don't think it's necessary for teachers to wear uniforms or to have a dress code. We live in a free country -apparently- and they don't need a code that shows they are teachers or something, I think it's useless. Who has them as a teacher then they know their name but for example I don't have my friend's History teacher, why do I want to know his name or something? And, as I can show who I am or how I am with my clothes, theachers are allowed too. We actually can see a lot of things -and wonder even more things- of them by only their looks, and it's kind of interesting. 
In case we wore uniform, then I would want them to wear one special for theachers, but not with a sign of their names, I honestly don't think that's necessary.

Sometimes I think maybe there would be less bullying and judgemental people if we wore uniforms because basically no one can see your style, if you are rich, poor... Everyone is the same. But on the other hand I think it's great to give people the freedom to express their personality with their clothes, so I guess I kind of like our method, even though I don't think I would mind a lot to wear uniform. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi. I think The teaching and non-teaching personnel from central, regional, division and district offices, and public elementary schools are free to purchase and obtain the prescribed uniform materials from any available source that comply with the standards set. Thanks.

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