She is quite tall for her age and very thin. Her hair is very beautiful and years ago it used to be like gold, even though now it's a colour like between blond and brown. Her eyes are like mines; they go from blue to grey, to green, to turquoise... It all depends of the light. I mean, I'm not sure how it goes on her but for example if it's very sunny they are blue and if there is no many light they are like green, etc. It's really cool having eyes like this!
My sister likes to wear simple things (still) to school. She doesn't mind a lot of the colours she use and such, and she wouldn't ever wear the clothes lately 12 year-old girls are starting to wear!! Like no, she is not like that at all. She prefers to wear t-shirts and jeans, even though lately she is starting to wear accessories!
I'm very happy she is not of that kind of girls that want to show everything when they have nothing, like can't they see they are still little?!
Helen is a happy girl. She is always smiling and she is very shy -with people that are not from family and friends. When she is at home, she is like a badass yet when we are with all the uncles and aunts and cousins she is like the shy and cutie girl. Actually she is a good girl but I mean, she does what the hell she wants when no one is around.
Our relationship has gone through different stages; when she was born I was 5 years old and I was always with her. This lasted some years until I was around 12 years old (I guess when I was starting high school and I was a pre-teenager) and there I started to talk to her in a mean way and so she reacted and years later, that is what she does. But approximately one year ago I realized she is my sister and that I can't treat her like how I was doing it so I decided to change because I didn't like how I was. And I think she noticed because our relationship is getting better and better, which is great and I love it !! It's awesome. She is still young but I can see how she is getting older and that is perfect.
My sister studies a lot. She has very good marks and doesn't like to have bad results. So she studies and does the homework when it has to be done so she can watch TV and spend time with her friends and playing because that is what she really loves! I think right now her hobbie is to watch Disney Chanel the whole time (but Disney Chanel is not as cool as it was when I was her age!!!!!!)
Since she was little, she's been doing many activites aside of school. Since the age of 2, she's been swimming and she still does it. She also danced a typical catalan dance for many years and balet for a few. She played basketball for many years even though then stopped for a while, but this year she is back to it and she plays almost every weekend! And I go to see her to every single one of the matches.
I think my sister is a very funny person. She likes to laugh and she likes to be the one who makes people laugh too. My mum told me my sister looks after me, which surprised me but it feels good! I guess this is one of the reasons I started to try to be a better person because I want her to become the greatest person ever. Sometimes she makes me get so angry and so I do to her, but this is what sisters do, isn't it? I wouldn't change her for anything in this world. She is one of the most important things I have in this life and she is one of the little number of people that have never failed to me when I was in my worst time. She is my favourite princess in the world. I love her so much.
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